Drew Petriello


drew petriello · June 21, 2018 certified reviewer
This show was everything I wanted it to be, plus some things I didn't want it to be, but that's okay because it turns out it's what I wanted anyway and didn't know and... Ah fuck it, there's just no good way to talk about this show. It's thirty minutes of certifiable insanity and is best viewed with a marked lack of sobriety, but I imagine that even if I was sober that my brains would still have been oozing out my ears by the end.... full review

Best Friend

drew petriello · June 19, 2018 certified reviewer
Frequently funny, sometimes thought provoking and occasionally discomfort provoking, Best Friend did a good job of making me care about the multitude of problems facing their many characters.... full review

The Universe (101)

drew petriello · June 19, 2018 certified reviewer
GOD I LOVED THIS SHOW. It's incredibly smart, wonderfully performed, clever without being full of itself and willing to utilize many disparate styles and techniques in order to create an evening unlike any other. This is what Fringe is about. This is what vaudeville should be. This has opened my mind as to what can be done with theatre.... full review

Death and Coffee

drew petriello · June 18, 2018 certified reviewer
Annie provides a lovely story about loss and memory that made me feel a gamut of emotions, and even though she was doing almost all the talking, she really made me feel listened to and drew me into her world.... full review

PLAY ON! A Musical Romp with Shakespeare's Heroines

drew petriello · June 18, 2018 certified reviewer
Laura is a fantastic musician, but moreover I was very impressed with how she boiled down the essence of each character she covered in her songs. It was a fun and moving time and I recommended to the Shakespeare nerd that likes to bop their head.... full review

Ronnie Brixton - The Best of British Boxing

drew petriello · June 18, 2018 certified reviewer
To be clear: you do not need to know a thing about boxing to enjoy this show. Much like the best sports movies, the sport is only a frame against which interesting drama is set against. David totally disappears into the role of Ronnie and I was pleasantly surprised by the twists and turns the story took.... full review

Skin Jobs

drew petriello · June 15, 2018 certified reviewer
Not only does this play wrestle with some very important questions in our modern zeitgeist, but the escalation of conflict is masterful - just when I thought the play was easing up, it would twist the knife a little harder. Made me uncomfortable in a good good way.... full review

Laertes Loves Hamlet Loves Ophelia

drew petriello · June 15, 2018 certified reviewer
I loved this take on three significant characters in our theatrical cannon. They're flawed, they're funny, they're petty, they're brutal, they're heartfelt. Do yourself and favor and see a really unique spin based on the most overdone play of all time.... full review

F*CK FICTION: True Tales of Life and Death In Paradise

drew petriello · June 15, 2018 certified reviewer
Florida has a... shall we say, "reputation." Keith is here to lean into that reputation with some formative stories of his time growing up in Miami and it's every bit as hilarious as you would want Floridian tales to be.... full review

Trafficked 2.0

drew petriello · June 14, 2018 certified reviewer
It's a tough subject that Catalyst has decided to tackle, but one they do with respect and illumination.... full review