Emily and Elizabeth Hinkler

Raised By Gays and Turned Out OK!

emily and elizabeth hinkler · June 14, 2015 certified reviewer
Elizabeth is awesome. Her storytelling is so beautifully done, the audience feels as though one of her dear friends. We were blown away by her humanity and grew along with her in the journey we took along with her. What an experience to be had that is often hidden from "glamorous" shows these days- the compelling feeling of simplicity of storytelling is where it's at! Lovely visuals that added such a personal touch. Go see Elizabeth to see what growing up is all about.... full review


emily and elizabeth hinkler · June 13, 2015 uncertified reviewer
Bill is a fantastic actor with an incredible story to tell. Did not know what to expect, but we were certainly on the edge of our seats being pulled in, and at the same time, wanting to hide. Come see the show to experience disgusting feelings that need to be felt so we can do something about this. This conversation needs to be continued from Bill's moving vulnerability and bravery- our community must address this and use the harmful past and present as a way to analyze our society and work towar... full review

This is We

emily and elizabeth hinkler · June 11, 2015 uncertified reviewer
If we were to describe Mark Smolyar, the only word that seems to fit over his many talents and triumphs is "artist." Writer, rap artist, producer, actor of many characters, social justice spokesperson, and pure energized focus on his work- go see his play "This Is We" just to admire the triumph of this man. Except there's more. Derrick Vadermillen and Kjai Block accompany Mark in a journey of many characters all surrounding Mikey B/Michael Carter Bronson/Michael in his journey of life. Thes... full review

The House by the Swamp

emily and elizabeth hinkler · June 09, 2015 certified reviewer
This play is a true labor of love from Jola. Would love to see the next performance at an outdoor theatre with such a respect for nature! Interesting topics and discussion.... full review