Andrew Joseph Perez

The Devil You Say

andrew joseph perez · June 27, 2015 certified reviewer
The Devil. Satan. Lucifer. Whatever you want to call him, this show brings him to life in a most elegant and graceful production. Robin Walsh's construction, control, and mastery of her puppet is astounding. Throughout the course of the performance I found myself further and further entranced by the four-foot-tall puppet, watching as his face came to life in my mind, his disembodied voice seeming to emanate from somewhere inside my own mind. With the assistance of Adrian Rose Leonard, Walsh pu... full review

Breaking Bard

andrew joseph perez · June 27, 2015 certified reviewer
From whatever angle you approaching Gus Krieger's melding of Shakespeare's canon with Breaking Bad, you will be enticed by each moment, by every line, stoked with a hot poker to catch every word lest you miss any reference. By blending passages and lines from the canon with the names, places, and necessarily-skin-and-bones plot of Breaking Bad, what Krieger and the Porters have created is a spark notes rendering of the hit television series that keep the Shakespearephiles perked up, hoping to ... full review

The Best of 25 Plays Per Hour

andrew joseph perez · June 26, 2014 uncertified reviewer
I cannot express how pleased with myself I am that I made sure to make time to see 25 Plays Per Hour before Fringe comes to an end this weekend. While I was seeing shows in the opening week, I saw audiences coming out of the Asylum Theatre absolute in stitches and I thought to myself, "Hey. Self. Note to you: make time and make a plan to see this show before Fringe ends." And so I did. Coming from Seattle, the land of "14/48: the World's Quickest Theatre Festival," in which a team of playwrigh... full review

Generation ME the Musical

andrew joseph perez · June 26, 2014 uncertified reviewer
Allow me to begin by saying that, though I have been friends and colleagues with the creators of this production for years, and many of the young men and women (the entire cast are in their teens) in the show have been students of mine, I went into this show with a critical and objective eye and ear. The last thing I wanted to be was that friend saying, "omg you guys I loved it SOOOOOOO much" simply for the fact that they created, produced, and ran the show. I've been a critic for years, I've own... full review

Why I Died, a Comedy!

andrew joseph perez · June 26, 2014 uncertified reviewer
When I think "one man/woman show," I don't often leap in front of moving traffic for tickets. "How will we find dramatic tension with only one person on stage," I ask myself? "Will the jokes really LAND, or is this another self-indulgent actor-bation session," I query the stars? "How the heeby-jeebies is this lady/dude going to hold my attention for an hour by themselves," I muse? Well rest-assured, self (and all of Los Angeles), Katie Rubin rocks the living shenanigans out of the "One-Woman Show... full review