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The PALO Theatre Makers Presents the World Premier of
LINKS by Paul Ali

A play about fate interrupted, somewhere between A Hundred Years of Solitude and Real Housewives.

LINKS is a play that has the concepts of fate, free will, and the loss of cultural roots ricocheting around the stage like golf balls on a driving range. Two Hispanic families navigate reality and imagined “what-ifs” propelled by notions of friendship, love, and forced assimilation. The narrative shape-shifts time and space revealing a truth that only the audience is cognizant of while leaving the characters struggling to maintain their imperfect lives.

The play was inspired by the true family story of Laura Garcia, the grandmother of playwright, Paul Ali. Laura’s family was victimized by two white missionaries in Los Angeles when she was a child and the trauma inflicted on the family was so deep and devastating she was compelled to share this story of cultural erasure with her grandchildren. Stories like these need to be recognized and offenses perpetrated on communities of color should be responded to and condemned. Stories of forced assimilation and the deliberate attempts to obliterate cultural heritage should not be ignored but have the harshest light shown upon them. Theatre can provide a way to bring these stories into the light.
CAUTION: Audience members may experience the illusionary danger of being struck in the head with golf balls.
LINKS is part of the Hollywood Fringe Festival. It is playing at the Madnani Theater in Hollywood, 6760 Lexington Ave. 90038
Sat. June 8th, 9:00 PM (Preview)
Sun. June 16th, 8:30 PM
Fri. June 21st, 8:30 PM
Tues. June 25th, 7:00 PM
Sun. June 30th, 3:00 PM
The six-person ensemble includes Julie Amuedo, Elda Carmona, Clayton Gorman, Evelyn Menchaca, Erica Ortega and Oscar Ramirez.

Written by Paul Ali: Paul, originally from Yuma, Arizona, spent 35 years teaching Middle and High School English. He utilized every summer break to write plays, film scripts, short stories and novels. Now He’s attempting to release the best of them out into the world.
Directed by Lorrie Oshatz: Lorrie, a native Los Angeleno, was lucky enough to see lots of theatre as a child, and be in lots of theatre as an adult so she naturally thinks “theatre is just what you do.” She has written and directed several plays in LA and has been the Executive/Artistic Director of Flights of Fantasy Story Theatre for the past 29 years.
Tickets are available at The Hollywood Fringe,
Press Contact: Lorrie Oshatz: [email protected]