Politically Challenged

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CONTACT: Matthew S. Robinson, 513.515.5659, [email protected]

INFO: hff16.org/3470

LOS ANGELES, CA, MAY 27th – An ensemble dramedy for our times “Politically Challenged” tells the story of four campaign staffers who have only one night to save a candidate’s re-election bid; after he makes racist remarks during a speech. With most of the staff jumping ship the only two eligible candidates left to become the new campaign manager are Ted Larson (Robby DeVillez) and Denise Ford (Jamye Grant). Both incredibly intelligent they must work together while simultaneously attempting to subvert the other in order to be promoted. Aided by political veteran Madison Pike (Michelle Murphy) and social media intern Randy Carver (Hayes Dunlap) as the night drudges on hidden agendas come to light and tensions run high.

“We can’t afford to do what’s politically correct, we need to do what’s politically right” argues Ted to Denise. Both leaders realize that their candidate John Crest may not be the man they hoped he was, but at this point does it even matter? With a highly questionable political opponent and growing apathy from voters they must find a way to revitalize people’s civic interest.

Opening in a chaotic strategy room “Politically Challenged” asks audience members to evaluate their own voting practices. Are they too loyal to a party or candidate to see their faults? Do they vote for who they truly feel is the better candidate or who they think will win? What does voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’ actually entail?

Writer and director Matthew S. Robinson was inspired by Beau Willimon’s play “Farragut North” as well films “The Candidate” and “12 Angry Men” while writing the play. Meant to be a Rorschach test for lovers and cynics of politics alike there is no right, left or wrong way to interpret the message of the play.

Directed/Written by Matthew S. Robinson, the ensemble cast features Robby DeVillez, Jamye Grant, Michelle Murphy and Hayes Dunlap.

“Politically Challenged” will be performed in the Flight Theater at the COMPLEX, 6472 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood 90038.
Running Time: 45 minutes. All performances $12.

For tickets hff16.org/3470


Sat. June 11th , 7pm
Fri. June 17th, 8pm
Sun. June 19th, 3pm
Sat. June 25th, 8.30pm