

ensemble theatre · good dip · Ages 17+ · United States of America
A man helps clean the apartment of his best friend who has committed suicide alongside the older sister of the recently deceased, all the while trying to solve of the mystery as to why he hung himself. Performances benefit the ACLU, International Rescue Committee, and Planned Parenthood.
A man helps clean the apartment of his best friend who has committed suicide alongside the older sister of the recently deceased, all the while trying to solve of the mystery as to why he hung himself. Performances benefit the ACLU, International Rescue Committee, and Planned Parenthood.


comedy · a joacovision · Ages 13+ · United States of America
Dive into the world of clown. This is a one man show guided by a whimsical romantic character named, Little Davis Jr. He will serenade you with his lyrical passion for love, and his eccentric nature for life is sure to keep you entertained.
Dive into the world of clown. This is a one man show guided by a whimsical romantic character named, Little Davis Jr. He will serenade you with his lyrical passion for love, and his eccentric nature for life is sure to keep you entertained.