Susy Porter


susy porter · June 24, 2019 certified reviewer
A well written, expertly acted play that pulls the audience in through universal emotional themes- a story of healing, growth and sensitivity. Vanessa's characters express the inner monologues we all wrestle with, at times hilarious, vicious, kind, supportive or weepy. She masterfully reveals how life experiences can create these voices and how to address and heal them. Inspirational, entertaining, and skillfully written and performed. I love it and highly recommend seeing this show!... full review


susy porter · June 18, 2019 certified reviewer
I loved the way Heather inhabits each character, taking her time, totally being in each moment. The flow of the show is perfectly timed, with the transitions from scene to scene and character to character perfectly timed , so that the story is easy to follow and digest. She takes us on an emotional journey, with all the strongest and most tender moments given just the right amount of time and emphasis. The writing, acting, humor and overall storytelling is exellent!Her openness and honesty cracke... full review

Black When I Was A Boy

susy porter · June 25, 2018 certified reviewer
This show is well produced, well written, well acted and profoundly poignant. The pacing of the storytelling combined with the dramatizations of the events touched me. I felt like I was there with the character and I was deeply moved. Bravo and thank you for sharing your unique perspective. Your message reveals the pain of racism while giving us the message that there is hope and the potential for goodness, love and connection in all of us. Thank you! I recommend this show for every adult human.... full review