Kat Muldoon

Survivor's Guilt

kat muldoon · June 30, 2014 certified reviewer
A funny and fast-paced original play, with excellent acting and excellent direction. I look forward to seeing what David Love does next!... full review

The Wake

kat muldoon · June 30, 2014 certified reviewer
Ben Moroski is truly talented, and he and director Nick Massouh have created a very memorable night of theater. "The Wake" is a rambling, bizarre, impassioned story about a man who (accidentally) runs over a woman with his car and then falls in love with her. It's a strange, unexpected reflection on intimacy and human connection. It's also, surprisingly, a sort of meta-reflection on one-man shows and the idea of performance, as it's staged as a one-man show within a one-man show. I would recommen... full review

'Dentity Crisis

kat muldoon · June 30, 2014 certified reviewer
I have always wanted to see a Christopher Durang play, and this was, by far, the best introduction I could have had to his wacky, absurdist, over-the-top writing. The actors are fabulous across the board, and bring a delightful amount of energy, personality, and "play" spirit to this 30 minute piece. Alexa-Sascha Lewin's direction is perfect. I'm so glad I got to see it! ... full review

Do Not Disturb

kat muldoon · June 28, 2014 certified reviewer
Joshua Fardon is certainly a unique and talented voice. The three quick plays I saw were like weird, intelligent short stories. I was completely captivated the whole time. Very well- directed and an enjoyable ride--certainly worth 40 minutes of your time!... full review

Bonnie's Future Sisters

kat muldoon · June 27, 2014 certified reviewer
Wow, I really loved this! Very funny, smart, surprising, and fast-paced. Excellent writing and acting. The relationships felt real. A thoroughly enjoyable way to spend an hour of your time and I highly recommend it!... full review

The Woolgatherer

kat muldoon · June 23, 2014 certified reviewer
Loved it! A powerful two-person play that is essentially a long, winding, erotically-charged, and revelatory conversation between Cliff, a soulful and world-weary truck driver, and Rose, the strange and dreamy drugstore clerk who invites him back up to her rented room. The acting and directing are fantastic. A truly unique, surprising little play that I thoroughly enjoyed.... full review

Jackass: A Prom Story

kat muldoon · June 22, 2014 certified reviewer
A MUST-SEE!! Two honest, poignant, and very funny stories from two very talented women. Julia Farrell tells the tale of her high school quest to correct the gap in her front teeth and buy herself braces--an obsession which leads to a summer's employ as a dancing cat mascot for her local grocery store. Amy Granados leads us through the major romance-related traumas of her adolescence, culminating in an epic, disastrous high school prom night that changed the next ten years of her life. Both storie... full review

There Is a Happiness That Morning Is

kat muldoon · June 08, 2014 certified reviewer
An excellent production. Exceptional acting, from all three actors. A beautifully-crafted, witty, and eloquent script from Mickle Maher. And thanks to Tiger Reel's clear direction I never got lost in the density of the language. And it's funny! The ending had me wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. Definitely recommended.... full review