Maria Pasquarelli

Raised By Gays and Turned Out OK!

maria pasquarelli · June 15, 2015 certified reviewer
Elizabeth is wonderfully honest and has a subtle, genuine sense of humor that can catch you off guard at times throughout her play. The simple staging allows her to just talk to the audience and tell her story without any pretense. I know there aren't many shows left, so go if you still can! ... full review

Why Water Falls

maria pasquarelli · June 15, 2015 certified reviewer
I will be totally honest, I went to see this show out of curiosity and to support the fact that a woman in her 70s was going to be on stage, telling her story. This is not something that, in our society, we get to see very often. I knew nothing about the actual story line, but I knew I wanted to see it and I was far from disappointed. Leigh did an incredible job of holding space on stage for 80 minutes with multiple characters, a beautiful story and unwavering honesty. I highly recommend this... full review


maria pasquarelli · June 15, 2015 certified reviewer
This was a great show! Megan was the most believable 8 year old I have seen in a long time - more believable than most actual 8 year olds! Here energy was incredible - she put everything out there on the stage, her joy, her pain, her humor and her sense of play. One warning, this show made me very hungry!... full review

Reserve Champion

maria pasquarelli · June 14, 2015 uncertified reviewer
Incredibly honest and touching with plenty of humor! Chris is a great story teller who beautifully shares his humanity. ... full review

Four Clowns presents The Halfwits' Last Hurrah

maria pasquarelli · June 14, 2015 certified reviewer
As to be expected by Four Clowns, this was a highly entertaining, hilarious and enjoyable experience. I particularly loved the vaudeville aspect, which highlighted some truly astonishing talent and provided ample opportunities for silliness. Go see it if you can still get tickets!... full review

Boss: The Untold Tony Danza Story

maria pasquarelli · June 08, 2015 uncertified reviewer
Incredibly fun and nostalgic, this show was both an homage and a parody of 80s life and sitcoms. We had so much fun. The story is charming and the acting is amazing! Really, really great acting - these actors made me believe everything they were doing and saying in spite of the fact that they were incredibly over the top! Well done all around! ... full review

The Board

maria pasquarelli · June 07, 2015 certified reviewer
Incredibly well written. Interesting story. Very impressed with how much could be done and told with so little on stage. Well done! ... full review

My Mobster

maria pasquarelli · June 14, 2011 certified reviewer
Joy's performance was incredibly entertaining, engaging and honest. Almost too good to believe it's a true story! Go see it!... full review