How I Became A Superhero

zoe wang · June 08, 2019 certified reviewer
What a smart, bold and funny show that’s both rediculous and relevant to this contemporary world we’re living! With interesting characters and stellar use of multimedia, How I Became A Superhero merges Black Mirror episodes with classic superhero comic books into a comedy, and it works so well.... full review

House of Tales

zoe wang · June 06, 2018 certified reviewer
A daring masterstroke that creatively wields its narrative dexterity to illuminate the magic of storytelling itself. It exquisitely translates the almost imperceptible cultural consciousness across Eastern and Western, ancient and modern sensitivities. With its potential in an infinity of plausible connotations, the overall play in the Dorie Theatre's cubic space could be interpreted as a representation of an artist's mind, in which sparks of inspirations poignantly struggle to freely express t... full review