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MB Stage Productions, LLC has a nasty habit of producing shows with large casts (Smallest: 8 performers, Largest: 21 performers). With our history, we know that juggling rehearsal conflicts, production needs, and the drama that comes with producing live theatre is no easy task! This award goes to those who like to challenge themselves to have a full audience and an even fuller stage.


To qualify, the show must meet the following requirements:
1. A cast of at least eight (8) or more performers.
2. No more than 50% of the production/creative team can be performers.
3. Must be an original, non-published work in any category.
4. Minimum show length of 30 min.
5. With one scene where at least four (4) characters are on stage at the same time.
One-person shows do not qualify for this award.
Submissions must be received by 11:59:59PM on Tuesday, June 5th for consideration.
Please fill out the following form at: in order to be considered for the award. If unable to fill out the form, please email us at [email protected].
To help us make our considerations, please provide us with a describe which scene(s) we should look at in order to pass Requirement Five (5). Also please let us know if your show meets qualifications that are not apparent in your show’s description or production team listed online. In addition, a brief history of the production company and a brief review of any obstacles that came up while production a large-cast show and how those were overcome. Finally, please list show dates/times that you would prefer for us to attend.


Must meet the basic requirements outlined in Requirements 1-5. If not, they will not be considered.
Overall Production Quality – Story, Acting, Production Value
Effective Use of the Ensemble – Was every role necessary?
A panel of two (2) or more members of the MB Stage Productions, LLC production/creative team will attend the performance and then an open deliberation between all involved production members will decide the winner of the award.


A physical award, a gift basket for the production team, and recognition on MB Stage Productions, LLC’s website and social media.

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