Sponsored by Broads' Word Ensemble


Broads’ Word Ensemble’s mission is to make theatre by and about women, for everyone. We foster and promote diversity in entertainment and want to recognize those doing the same.


To qualify, the show must meet the following three criteria established by the Bechdel-Wallace Test.

1. Have at least two women in it whose characters have names
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something other than a man in at least one scene

And go beyond by meeting an additional two criteria

4. 50%+ female characters
5. 50%+ female actors

Though not required, additional consideration will be given to shows that

6. Focus on a female-driven story in which her drive isn’t related to getting or serving a man
7. Have a production team that is also 50%+ women
8. Supports other areas of diversity (including but not limited to: sexual orientation, race, and ability).

One-person shows do not qualify for this award.

Submissions must be received by midnight on Tuesday, June 5th (end of preview week) for consideration.


Must meet the basic qualifications outlined in numbers 1-5. If not, they will not be considered.

Production – story, acting, production value (was it a good show?): 1-10pts
The story focuses on a female-driven story that is not about getting or serving a man: 1pt
They have at least 50% female production team: 1pt
They represent diversity in race in production team: 1pt
Actors represent diversity in race: 1pt
Actors represent diversity in abilities: 1pt
Characters represent diversity in sexual orientation: 1pt

Total possible: 16pts
Highest score(s) win


An award certificate, posting to our website, an announcement in our newsletter, and sharing on our social media.

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