The Mayor's Debate of Tranquility, Nebraska

rah productions · Ages 15+ · United States of America

world premiere
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June 12, 2019 certified reviewer
tagged as: solid · funny · smart

What I liked

Jim Hanna’s writing. So fast and funny. And none of this lop-sided rah-rah home team agreement political comedy. Everybody gives as good as they get and the balance, once again, displays what a thoughtful writer can do with (potentially) polarizing material. Crammed full of jokes, it’s a great ride before the premise opens up. Once that happens the thing takes on a couple more layers that really tick you off because then you realize Hanna’s not just telling jokes but pushing your emotions around.

Like a bully.
Like a big ol’ emotional bully.

What I didn't like

The fact that I couldn’t see it twice when I saw it and now I have to see it again because I want to have seen it twice.

My overall impression

Show #2:
Jim Hanna delivers with yet another rock solid cast.

Emily Dorsett’s lost, dead-pan, off-stage gaze is a highlight of the show.

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