
ensemble theatre · ctb productions · Ages 18+ · United States of America

A powerful, unsettling and ultimately devastating account of the Vietnam War, written by men who were there.

A composite of interrelated scenes, the play follows the lives of a group of “grunts” as they move from basic training, on to combat in Vietnam, and finally to the shattering realization that their lives will be forever affected by the horrors that they have been a part of.

Conceived by John DiFusco & written by the original cast Vincent Caristi, Richard Chaves, John DiFusco, Eric E. Emerson, Rick Gallavan, Merlin Marston and Harry Stephens with Sheldon Lettich.

Production Team

rudy solis *

sgt. williams

luke moyer *

lighting designer

johan badh *

stage manager(little john understudy)

tammie merheb *

costume designer

megan hollier *

costume asst.

jeff maloney *

prop master

brian danner *

fight choreographer

* Fringe Veteran