Carol Becker (she/her)

Director, Performer, Writer


carol becker · June 10, 2024 certified reviewer
How I ADORE a dark, fast, serio-comedic look at mental health through a distinctly female lens! We've all got our issues, but let's get real, some of us have REALLY have some issues that lie under the surface that wreak havoc on our minds, lives, and those who are around us. This show offers such strong, high caliber writing, acting, and staging and I genuinely applaud all involved! I have no doubt you'll leave Obsessed a little grateful, a little sad, a little happy, and bit in awe of this th... full review

SMOTE THIS, A Comedy About God...and other Serious $h*t

carol becker · July 09, 2023 certified reviewer
If you are interested in seeing a truly EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMER deliver what can best be described as a Masterclass Level Performance, then you've come to the right show! Combining the perfect amount of comedy, drama, tenderness, and heart, SMOTE THIS, just delivers a show worthy of ALL THE ACCOLADES, ENCORES, and APPLAUSE that are coming to Rodney Gardiner!!! I honestly cannot recommend the show strongly enough and hope that others will have a chance to see this show when it goes on to bigger an... full review

Am I Really Jewish?

carol becker · June 25, 2023 certified reviewer
What can I say? We've got a consummate performer/writer doing what he does best - sharing a personal story with an audience about aging and all that it entails! Sometimes, he gets cheesy (or in his own words, "silly stupid"), but other times, he is utterly profound and deep. I can only say that I'd like to be this sharp, this meaningful and this engaging when I hit this age milestone... and by admitting that, I just gave this creative man and his show a very high compliment!... full review

Unwrapped: Life After Giftedness

carol becker · June 25, 2023 certified reviewer
Utterly frank, no-nonsense, and cerebral are the first three words that come to mind when I think about this unique, powerful solo show by Kira Wallace. Like many solo performers, I applaud her "take-me-as-I-am" approach to sharing her story. In her 18 years, she's got a wisdom and blunt nature that would definitely be off-putting to many, but what can I say, as a fellow member of the tribe, I appreciate her not fitting into every box society carves out. Sometimes, not fitting in, IS FITTING I... full review

Take Me As I Am: A Joni Mitchell Tribute

carol becker · June 25, 2023 certified reviewer
Ever experienced the best toast of your life that is just the right about of golden brown, not burnt at all, has the right amount of crisp and is obviously your favorite bread on the planet? Got the visual image? Good. Now, if you add the best butter in the world to that bread... you'd be pretty darn happy, right? Well, imagine that for you, butter isn't quite enough to add... you need a little something extra, so you go all out and put that jelly or jam on there that was made at a state fa... full review

The Seagull

carol becker · June 25, 2023 certified reviewer
Melodrama that would make any Chekhov fan proud? Yup! That would be this production of The Seagull! And I was definitely stoked to see this modern take on a classic done with few bells and whistles and just sheer badass talent! This company showcased a large ensemble of EXTREMELY capable and exciting performers that were not only heavily invested in the words, but also deeply involved in interacting with each other! That's my kind of acting, my kind of directing, and my kind of show to come ... full review

6 Million Jews Didn't Die For You To...

carol becker · June 25, 2023 certified reviewer
Deeply moving, touching, personal, and expressive are just a few of the words that immediately come to mind after seeing Jana Krumholz's Dance/Solo Show! How does a Jew honor her Holocaust survivor lineage, but also stay true to her soul's purpose? That is the crux of this show... and the difficulty in navigating loyalty to family, the weighty legacy of even being alive, and what is the best way to honor those who came before you and made the ultimate sacrifice. This show was a beauty to behol... full review

Poe-Etic License

carol becker · June 25, 2023 certified reviewer
An original performance piece capturing the works on Edgar Allan Poe (from his most famous work "The Raven" to lesser known ones). Complete with various forms of music (a Bob Dylan song performed in the style of Poe, an autobiographical song about Poe sung in a Dylan-esque voice), and a funky dance... I'd say it's an experimental, interpretive Fringe show.... full review


carol becker · June 24, 2023 certified reviewer
LOVED. EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE. I cannot emphasize that enough, so I am going to put this in all caps again - I LOVED THIS SHOW!! When performer and story have IT, they HAVE IT and Mélia HAS IT and then some! I laughed so hard, I cried and I'll be woman enough to admit it... I peed myself a little. There, I said it... is that what you wanted from me? Well, I did. ... full review

Stuck with You

carol becker · June 24, 2023 certified reviewer
Escape rooms are supposed to be fun, right??? Right!?! Not in the middle of a break-up. Wowsa! This is a comical premiss set up from the very start of the show and fully explored as two actors have to wade in the thick of what went wrong, why one didn't see it coming, etc. Alas, love can, indeed go sour, but the dramedy was in full bloom with this show from start to finish!... full review