Tagged With Aea

The Saturday Saying

“AEA’s actions toward small theatres, East AND West, leave me convinced, as a Labor Union, they want to make sure their largest Do Not Work List remains their members.”From the NY Actors Standing in Solidarity to Uphold the L.A. 99 Seat Plan Facebook page...


People from the anti-99 side of our community, and even some friends of mine, have asked why I frame this debate as acting for “art” versus acting for “pay.” The answer is simple: what’s the alternative?The 99-seat debate, by its nature, cannot be described without attributing motives. As a result, most people use a sort of short-hand to describe different reasons actors choose to act. Both sides do this, sometimes innocently (I’ve been called “amateur,” as in “s...

Actors' Equity Confirms they Will Meet with the Lawsuit Plaintiffs

After Footlights’ “Oops Scoop” last weekend in which they “inadvertently jumped the gun,” according to my sources, and released the news prematurely, much to the consternation of both sides, things got oddly quiet. I followed up with the Communications Director of Equity and received no reply and got a “no comment” from one of the original Review Committee folks as well, which made...

Actors Equity Association and the Plaintiffs in the Lawsuit Officially Agree to Continue to be Vague

Zzzzzz. Snort. Whoops sorry. Passed out for a moment there reading this latest presser. Okay. I’m back.Here’s the earth shattering news today if you haven’t already heard it yet:Actors’ Equity Association and the plaintiffs in the Asner vs. Actors’ Equity litigation announced today that they have agreed to continue conversations for an undetermined amount of time to attempt to resolve the issues that prompted the pending lawsuit.The parties expressed a mutual...

The Bitter Lemons' Top Stories in Los Angeles Theater 2015

Now the great thing about this list is that these aren’t necessarily the stories that YOU might have thought were the Top Los Angeles Theater Stories of 2015 – I’m sure there will be SOME overlap of course with all the other top of the tops that will be springing up any day now – no these are the stories that buzzed and burned here exclusively at the Lemon. These were the stories, found or forged by us, that were either read most, shared most, created the most engagement, elicited the most comments,...

TheatReHab's Open Letter to Actors Equity Association: Keeping Theater in the Past

NYC’s Allie Mullholland, the brave leader of TheatReHab and his theater company ReGroup, and an Equity member, has been on Actors’ Equity’s case like a stage manager on a missed sound cue since day one in this conflict. You can check out their Facebook page entitled NY Actors Standing in Solidarity to Uphold...

How Much Is Actors' Equity Contributing to the "Save Our Intimate Theaters" Legal Fund? [Updated]

First of all, if you feel so inclined, please, by all means go here and contribute to what is being called the “LA Intimate Theatre Legal Fund”.Apparently, Greg Crafts was tapped to make the case as to why we should be donating to this cause, so I’ll let him do that and then meet you on the back end with my questions and concerns. I’ve emboldened and italicized a couple sections that are a bit troubling. This is the language taken direc...

While Some Don't think the Pro99 Legal Fund is a Good Idea, Equity Apparently Is Paying Their Share

These guys, TheatReHab, and their leader, Allie Mullholland, have been staunch supporters of the Pro99 uprising against Equity, but the “LA Intimate Theatre Legal Fund” seems to be where they draw the line. Here’s their reasoning from a reason post entitled Union Dues and Don’ts:As strongly as I support the 99 seat plan and those bravely fighting to defend it, I’ve been contemplating...

"Save LA Intimate Theater Legal Fund" Hits $40,000 and almost 400 Contributors

Pretty astonishing what this little hard scrabble community can do when it sets its mind to it. I was happy to have my concerns assuaged as to whether Equity was pulling its weight and sharing the cost with this venture – Thanks, Steven Kaplan! – and two of our more prominent companies, Fountain Theatre and Rogue Machine, have cranked up the clarion call.This from the Fountain:As you probably k...

Save LA Intimate Theater Legal Fund in 11th Hour: Currently at $63,000 & 740 Contributors

I know some are still not quite sold on this idea, for valid reasons, but if you feel so inclined, go here and contribute what you can to the fund.Deadline is apparently this Friday and at last glance this is where is stands:$63,120 Contributed by 741 Contributors.That’s pretty impressive, however you wanna look at it.My main concern was whether the other party in this dispute, Actor’s Equity A...