APR 2016

Actor's Equity Association (AEA)

About Actor’s Equity Association

Equity has a contract to cover professional theatre large and small, wherever it might be happening in the United States. Equity negotiates and administers multi-employer national and regional collective bargaining agreements, as well as single-employer agreements with theatrical employers. These agreements provide minimum salaries, benefits, job security and numerous other provisions to ensure safe working conditions and a work environment where actors and stage managers are protected.

There are limited circumstances where Equity members may perform without benefit of an Equity contract. Those exceptions are sometimes referred to as “codes,” “guidelines” or “rules.” Unlike standard Equity contracts, these rules are designed to ensure that where members intend to hone their skills and “showcase” themselves in the hope of securing future employment, that certain basic conditions are in place. There are no minimum salaries, there is no obligation to remain in a production and none of the regular benefits or protections of standard agreements apply. Actors and stage managers who are participating in projects that do not meet the criteria established in the applicable code, guideline or rule must discontinue their participation and notify the nearest Equity office immediately.

Hollywood Fringe Festival shows with actors and/or stage managers who are members of Actors’ Equity Association (AEA) might be able to apply for these are codes and western agreements:

Los Angeles 99-Seat Theatre AgreementThis agreement is for use in the county of Los Angeles in theatres of 99 seats or fewer. Salaries are based on minimum wage, and there are no restrictions on ticket prices, the number of performances or the number of rehearsals.

Hollywood Area Theatre (HAT) Agreement: This agreement is used in theatres with 599 seats or fewer, presenting productions in the county of Los Angeles. There are three categories based on seating capacity.

Los Angeles Self-Produced Project Code (LASPPC): is an internal union membership rule that permits members to work without the benefit of a contract in member-produced theatrical productions in Los Angeles County in theaters of 99 seats or fewer. The members working on the project are part of a collaborating group and are not employed by any producing entity.

Los Angeles 50-Seat Showcase Code: This an internal union membership rule that permits Equity members to work without the benefit of a contract in theatrical productions in Los Angeles County in theaters of 50 seats or fewer for the purpose of presenting plays and/or scenes in limited performances.


To include union members in your project, you need to prepare the relevant paperwork and submit to AEA for approval ASAP.

If you would like to read a particular Equity agreement, learn more about the requirements for producers, or get the answer to other AEA related questions email [email protected] or call the Western Region Office at 323-978-8080.