Hedda Gabler

Drama · untold wants theatre x tough kitty · Ages 16+ · 90 mins · United States of America

Content Warning world premiere

Hedda Gabler returns from her honeymoon already dissatisfied with her husband and soured on her new home. Can the arrival of an old flame shake her from her DREADFUL BOREDOM? Or maybe the frequent visits from her predatory confidant? Or her manipulative schemes? OR just a new piano? Or her father’s pistols? Or or or… She is a very desperate housewife, frantically searching for the key to a door she cannot find. And she might just burn the house down looking.


HEDDA GABLER is a tragedy of destruction disguised in a costume drama. At its black, bleeding heart, is a story about the ennui of being alive. And Hedda is the aorta, trapped in a cage of her own making.


134 years after her birth, Hedda, the anti-heroine, is more prescient than ever. When Judge Brack says of her actions, “people don’t do such things,” he may have been speaking truth to a late 19th century society. But the great horror of our present is that we’ve come to know all too well that people really do ‘do such things.’ The shock factor has rubbed off but what’s left behind is just a mirror.


This adaptation by Irish playwright Brian Friel breathes modern life to the original. Adapted for Hollywood Fringe by Untold Wants Theatre and Tough Kitty, our production has a fiery 90 minute runtime.


Learn More at HeddaGabler.Net

Production Team

jessica aquila cymerman  

director, co-producer

nathan simpson 

co-producer, actor

eden perry 

co-producer, actor

éanna o'dowd 

co-producer, actor

kelsey ann wacker  

co-producer, actor

stella lyne  

stage manager

* Fringe Veteran