
Two Person Show · dawn branch · Ages 16+ · 45 mins · United States of America

Content Warning world premiere

Content warning for strong language and discussions of sex and sexuality.

“Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia” centers on two women working to overcome one’s anxiety. Hairstylist Nora brings her best friend, Elle, to her soon-to-open salon for a haircut. However, Elle’s all-encompassing anxiety leaves her unwilling to sit in the chair. Quickly devolving into a scene of catastrophizing, this is a sometimes silly play confronting friendship, trust, fear and growth.

This is the first Fringe for everyone on the Hippo team! 

There is a livestream for the June 16 show – you do not have to watch it live! The link will be available to you for one month so you can watch at your convenience.

Opening Night reviews are in!

“I’ll definitely be thinking about this for awhile.”

“It’s like being a fly on the wall and witnessing a very real conversation between two REAL friends. For those who may over think situations and explore hypothetical scenarios… you will feel seen.”

“The acting was out of this world and so much emotion and feeling was conveyed even without words.”

“I loved how pure and sweet the friendship is between the two characters. It reminds me of my closest friendships and how we can go from playfully teasing each other and laughing about inside jokes to having deep and existential conversations in the same hangout.”



Audience Comments from our first staged reading in 2023 -

“My internal monologue happened on stage”

“The humor! It became a better hit each time”

“I was excited to explore the characters in such a short but loaded script”

“The ending! I don’t know why but it hit hard”




Production Team

* Fringe Veteran