Corwin Evans

This Way Yonder

corwin evans · July 02, 2019 certified reviewer
This piece lives in specificity. I will admit, I am suffering from frustration over the inability of certain folks in this country to acclimate to the toxic future they refuse to inhabit alongside us. To exist in a faded time and place, to discuss things about which I have little familiarity or interest, but to do so with earnestness and a deep sadness for their lack of ability to connect feels very much of this time in which you and I live. It is very interesting that this piece meditates on th... full review


corwin evans · July 02, 2019 certified reviewer
This is as much a sly how-to guide as a how-not-to comedy roller coaster. Matt wields a library of tropes and cringeworthy personality hemorrhages to castigate those of us who, well, showed up late and didn't finish the rewrites.... full review

My Trans Wife

corwin evans · July 02, 2019 certified reviewer
In staging this piece, one could easily drift into protest or the theater of activism. I don't disagree with these as artistic choices, but what I find so heartwarming and appealing about this piece is that it is performed as simple fact - as documentary theater - without falling into justifying itself. This is a love story between two people who clearly love each other very much. As with all love stories, it has one or two unusual quirks, but the familiarity of kindness and comfort fills my hear... full review

Klingon Tamburlaine

corwin evans · July 02, 2019 certified reviewer
I deliberated for some time on whether or not to review Tamburlaine before attending this piece. I'm glad I didn't: it was way more exciting to see Klingon actors adapt it in their own voices. The commentary on Klingon opinions of other cultures leaks out in subtle ways throughout the way this story is told. If you watch this piece with that other level of commentary, this is so much more than a goofy premise, but takes a satirical approach to the notion of adapting and personalizing classical te... full review


corwin evans · July 02, 2019 certified reviewer
Kevin has a serious problem, and through a series of mishaps, he discovers the problem is an epidemic. Hostility and hatred for intellectualism and self-expression is rampant throughout his whole school. If only there was a way to make a stand and make the world a safer place for all the lovely weirdos among us just to be themselves.... full review


corwin evans · July 02, 2019 certified reviewer
A common trope amongst one-person-shows is a friendly presentation of a misunderstood affliction or issue, where our performer takes us on a biographical journey through their unique experience. This can be an exhausting and tedious adventure for many, who forget to engage their audiences with charm and kindness in their public therapy session. (IM)PERFEKT does not fall into this trap, presented with charm and charisma by Jannica Olin. Jannica's ebullient and effervescent performance relates to u... full review

The Mayor's Debate of Tranquility, Nebraska

corwin evans · July 02, 2019 certified reviewer
It's not difficult to see the inspiration in the real world drawn by this piece: set amidst a vague sense of apocalyptic unease, we watch as our possible representatives attempt to outperform democracy to an apathetic and quietly hostile crowd of disengaged citizens. You won't expect precisely how the characters in this piece behave, based on the mind-melting churn of our real-world news cycle. You may expect to enjoy this delightfully peculiar and well-crafted descent into the madness of local g... full review

Supportive White Parents

corwin evans · July 02, 2019 certified reviewer
Parents just don't understand. Strive for excellence! Do your homework! Don't let your GPA dip! Practice your music! Get a good job! It can be exhausting for anyone, but for those who grew up as a child of immigrants, it can feel like you're working harder than anyone else around you. Wouldn't it be nice to just, y'know, take it easy?... full review

Livin' the Dream (a journalistic journey)

corwin evans · June 23, 2019 certified reviewer
In the sea of familiar faces flowing through the Hollywood Fringe Festival, you may occasionally find a whitecap break the surface of the ocean in the form of Robert Leggett's legendary beard. This man has seen hundreds of Fringe shows over his time visiting the festival, and he reviews each one with the fondness of a man who has lived many lives and enjoyed an impossibly multitude of performances. Speaking with Bob in passing for whatever tickled his fancy today is an absolute gift; reading a wa... full review

A Tribute to Doug

corwin evans · June 23, 2019 certified reviewer
It's the pilot episode of "Doug!" Nothing really else to say about that. It's clear the cast is having a good time, and I find that even more entertaining than half-remembering the show from decades past. It's a fun way to engage with memories of pop culture.... full review