Dying for Our Voices

Dance & Physical Theatre · raven k · Ages 4+ · United States of America

family friendly

Dying for Our Voices: How Reporting the Truth Has Become a Dangerous Task

May 04, 2022

May 9, 2022

Press Contact: Raven Kras
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (310) 314-0648

Dying for Our Voices:
How Reporting the Truth Has Become a Dangerous Task

Freedom of the press is the sine qua non of democracy. In battle-scarred Afghanistan, a young warrior poetess is pressed to convert into a bacha posh (living as a boy) to draw breath, and in doing so, embraces change.

Hollywood, CA May 9, 2022. “Dying for Our Voices” honors journalists who risk their lives to report corruption, human rights violations, and assassinations of artists who express their thoughts of their government in places where it is not allowed, as well as in places where freedom of the press, thought, and expression are protected. We stand by organizations who/what continue the fight to raise awareness of injustices committed against journalists around the world.

“Dying for Our Voices” uses poetic monologue, screenplay, and fiction. During the Fringe, we are sho
