

Solo Show · ZOOM & EMAR Productions · Ages 15+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere

About the Project

Madalena is a translator, wife, and mother of three children. One morning, after saying goodbye to her husband and kids as they head off to school and work, she finds herself in total silence for an instant — nobody needs anything from her and she feels herself sinking into the pleasure of nothing. Except. The author she is translating, the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector, begins to insist. She needs Madalena to get back to work. Madalena resists initially, but once she accepts the challenge she finds herself on an unexpected journey with Clarice, Virginia – the main character from Clarice’s novel THE CHANDELIER, which Madalena is translating – and, of all people, Robert De Niro. This is a show about Bobby, Virginia, Clarice, Madalena, translation, life, love, loss, 1943, and so much more. Written By & Featuring Magdalena Emar. Directed by Patrick Albanesius. Production Design by Z oom. Photography by Gustavo Turner.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran

i wanna be robert de niro