
The Princes' Charming

ensemble theatre · The Loft Ensemble · Ages 13+ · United States of America

family friendly

About the Project

From the Ovation Award Winning company Loft Ensemble an unapologetic farce, this play satirizes the fractured modern fairy tale genre. When faced with a sudden ultimatum, two princes scramble to find true love or suffer the consequences of a mysterious curse. Through speed dating, arranged marriages, and random encounters in the woods, is there any chance at true love?

Production Team

April Morrow

april morrow *

olga/ griselda/ producer
Bree  Pavey

bree pavey *

minnie/ producer
Ashley  Snyder

ashley snyder *

isabel/ producer
Lauren Sperling

lauren sperling *

sleeping beauty/ snow white/ xena/ producer
Cameron Britton

cameron britton *

bob/ assistant director
Mikaela Moody

mikaela moody *

peasant girl
Max  Marsh

max marsh *

king frederick
Tor Brown

tor brown *

william/ producer/ tech director
Jon Tosetti

jon tosetti *

producer/ king roland
Reno  Muren

reno muren  *

peasant girl
Jared Wilson

jared wilson *

prince arthur
Mitch Rosander

mitch rosander  *

writer/ director/ producer

* Fringe Veteran

the princes' charming