

Solo Show · Anika Ramlo · Ages 14+ · United States of America
When a college girl is admitted to a psych hospital, she wonders why she feels more at home with a truck-driving womanizer or a devil-fearing Zumba dancer than with anyone she knows outside the hospital. Could it be that the typically dark world of the psych ward is more forgiving than our own?
When a college girl is admitted to a psych hospital, she wonders why she feels more at home with a truck-driving womanizer or a devil-fearing Zumba dancer than with anyone she knows outside the hospital. Could it be that the typically dark world of the psych ward is more forgiving than our own?


Drama · Student Production · Ages 13+ · United States of America
A story about a surviving twin's experience with grief, memory, and the colors of her childhood. FREE STREAMING OF SHOW JUNE 21ST 8:15PM PST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82719582538?pwd=MUhDWk1NOGVFMEl2VCtJbnJrL3dmdz09 827 1958 2538 yellowblue DONATIONS APPRECIATED Venmo: @jeannette_as
A story about a surviving twin's experience with grief, memory, and the colors of her childhood. FREE STREAMING OF SHOW JUNE 21ST 8:15PM PST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82719582538?pwd=MUhDWk1NOGVFMEl2VCtJbnJrL3dmdz09 827 1958 2538 yellowblue DONATIONS APPRECIATED Venmo: @jeannette_as

tagged with suicide