Drama · janya govani · Ages 18+ · United States of America
What do I want to talk about. To who. the dissections. What are the identities of the different who's I do talk of and to? How many of those who's are in the audience and how many aren't? One empty seat to reserve for them. They won't be there but in me. Would everyone buying a ticket know?
What do I want to talk about. To who. the dissections. What are the identities of the different who's I do talk of and to? How many of those who's are in the audience and how many aren't? One empty seat to reserve for them. They won't be there but in me. Would everyone buying a ticket know?
Comedy · veronica osorio · Ages 18+ · Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Medicine Woman, a traveling healer clown from Venezuela, is in town to conduct a shamanic healing ritual and heal strangers. Medicine Woman, the dumb bitch of shamans, provides medicine that will depend on the vibe of the audience… enjoy her while you can
Medicine Woman, a traveling healer clown from Venezuela, is in town to conduct a shamanic healing ritual and heal strangers. Medicine Woman, the dumb bitch of shamans, provides medicine that will depend on the vibe of the audience… enjoy her while you can