ensemble theatre · ya basta theater company · Ages 12+ · United States of America
From the “Justice for Janitors Campaign” in the 1990s to “End Rape on the Night Shift” in 2016, YA BASTA: TIME’S BEEN UP tells the story of the trials and triumphs of immigrant janitor’s lucha (fight) to end rape on the night shift while resisting to no longer be invisible in the workplace.
From the “Justice for Janitors Campaign” in the 1990s to “End Rape on the Night Shift” in 2016, YA BASTA: TIME’S BEEN UP tells the story of the trials and triumphs of immigrant janitor’s lucha (fight) to end rape on the night shift while resisting to no longer be invisible in the workplace.
theatre unleashed · Ages 13+ · United States of America
After five years of marital bliss, you'd think there would be no secrets left between Kevin and Stephanie Connolly. But when a super villain's zombie invasion interrupts their anniversary date, a hero's unexpected unmasking carries with it massive consequences.
After five years of marital bliss, you'd think there would be no secrets left between Kevin and Stephanie Connolly. But when a super villain's zombie invasion interrupts their anniversary date, a hero's unexpected unmasking carries with it massive consequences.