An Afternoon Of Wonderful Entertainment And Magic!


musicals and operas · path productions · Ages 21+ · United States of America
A Fantastical New Musical IMAGINE: four friends playing a D&D type game. WHEN SUDDENLY: a magical portal sucks them into Faerie Land for real! MEANWHILE: evil Sorcerer Ralph plans to turn humans into action figures! Can nerds save the world? There’s singing, cosplay, epic geekery and unicorn sex!
A Fantastical New Musical IMAGINE: four friends playing a D&D type game. WHEN SUDDENLY: a magical portal sucks them into Faerie Land for real! MEANWHILE: evil Sorcerer Ralph plans to turn humans into action figures! Can nerds save the world? There’s singing, cosplay, epic geekery and unicorn sex!

tagged with an afternoon of wonderful entertainment and magic!