

Two Person Show · abc interactive · Ages 5+ · United States of America
WAKE UP CAMPERS!!! It's the night before color wars and your CITs want you to bond. So let's gather around the campfire and tell some tales. Completely improvised stories from camp lore. Two new Counselors in Training every show. LATE SHOWS Rated R EARLY SHOWS Rated G
WAKE UP CAMPERS!!! It's the night before color wars and your CITs want you to bond. So let's gather around the campfire and tell some tales. Completely improvised stories from camp lore. Two new Counselors in Training every show. LATE SHOWS Rated R EARLY SHOWS Rated G


Comedy · students-california institute of the arts · Ages 16+ · United States of America
Apocalypse at the Rainforest Cafe exposes the secret lives of the workers and animatronics of the Rainforest Cafe, only to be immeasurably interrupted by the Illuminati's plan to cleanse the world of the lower middle class. Little do they know, the animatronic animals are alive and dangerous.
Apocalypse at the Rainforest Cafe exposes the secret lives of the workers and animatronics of the Rainforest Cafe, only to be immeasurably interrupted by the Illuminati's plan to cleanse the world of the lower middle class. Little do they know, the animatronic animals are alive and dangerous.


Musicals & Operas · orgasmico theatre company · Ages 21+ · United States of America
David Lynch has gone missing, leaving only his hairdresser Judy to try and solve the mystery. But in doing so, she will discover a dark world of such absurdity, sexuality, and nightmares, that only David Lynch himself, and his fans (or haters) could fathom. Songs from his cinematic catalogue ensue.
David Lynch has gone missing, leaving only his hairdresser Judy to try and solve the mystery. But in doing so, she will discover a dark world of such absurdity, sexuality, and nightmares, that only David Lynch himself, and his fans (or haters) could fathom. Songs from his cinematic catalogue ensue.