

musicals and operas · Hyperbolic Media/Running Song Productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America
The characters of nearly every beloved animated movie musical began in fairy tales and stories from the public domain. In "Public Domain: The Musical," characters from the bottom of the barrel audition with original songs to show why they deserve to have their own time in the spotlight.
The characters of nearly every beloved animated movie musical began in fairy tales and stories from the public domain. In "Public Domain: The Musical," characters from the bottom of the barrel audition with original songs to show why they deserve to have their own time in the spotlight.


cabaret & variety · Cathy Schenkelberg Inc · Ages 13+ · United States of America
Cathy decided to poke the bear of this ridiculous, insidious cult Cabaret Style in a no holds bar bawdy, naughty musical trip. All the shit she couldn't say, sing or do while drinking the Scientology Kool-Aid! She's definitely going to "ethics" for this one! And she sure hopes she gets spanked!
Cathy decided to poke the bear of this ridiculous, insidious cult Cabaret Style in a no holds bar bawdy, naughty musical trip. All the shit she couldn't say, sing or do while drinking the Scientology Kool-Aid! She's definitely going to "ethics" for this one! And she sure hopes she gets spanked!

SYLUS 2020

comedy · Rothchild Industies · Ages 16+ · United States of America
In this half hour comedic farce dimwit local business owner Sylus Rothchild is running for president. Yes he is unqualified, not very bright and involved in criminal enterprises but what candidate isn't. Will he succeed? You decide!
In this half hour comedic farce dimwit local business owner Sylus Rothchild is running for president. Yes he is unqualified, not very bright and involved in criminal enterprises but what candidate isn't. Will he succeed? You decide!

tagged with puppets