Well Acted


Comedy · · Ages 13+ · United States of America
"Durang!", performed by twelve accomplished and diverse L.A. actors, consists of four fun and hilarious one-act plays written by the incomparable Christopher Durang! They are: "For Whom The Southern Belle Tolls", "'dentity Crisis", "Wanda's Visit", and "The Actor's Nightmare". Let us entertain you!
"Durang!", performed by twelve accomplished and diverse L.A. actors, consists of four fun and hilarious one-act plays written by the incomparable Christopher Durang! They are: "For Whom The Southern Belle Tolls", "'dentity Crisis", "Wanda's Visit", and "The Actor's Nightmare". Let us entertain you!


Comedy · · Ages 10+ · United States of America
The Erroneous Count of Monte Cristo is a comic tour de farce by Thom Talbott. Produced by NCTC Drama as part of the 2021 Hollywood Fringe. So come join a cast of five actors, two inflatable horses, and one doll as we tell a tale filled with revelry, romance, revenge, and rapiers.
The Erroneous Count of Monte Cristo is a comic tour de farce by Thom Talbott. Produced by NCTC Drama as part of the 2021 Hollywood Fringe. So come join a cast of five actors, two inflatable horses, and one doll as we tell a tale filled with revelry, romance, revenge, and rapiers.

tagged with well acted