

ensemble theatre · nothing important productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America
Seven years ago, Michael Leahy went missing. The only glimmer of hope his family is left with is the mysterious phone calls on his birthday each year. This dark comedy follows his sister, Johnny May, stuck with her estranged and dysfunctional family as they gather once more to wait for Michael.
Seven years ago, Michael Leahy went missing. The only glimmer of hope his family is left with is the mysterious phone calls on his birthday each year. This dark comedy follows his sister, Johnny May, stuck with her estranged and dysfunctional family as they gather once more to wait for Michael.


the moving art collective · Ages 10+ · United States of America
Thirteen's Spring is a poetic take on The Diary of Anne Frank. This delicate coming of age piece explores the universal relationship between father and daughter, the power of young love, and the dangerous events surrounding many comes to life through movement and powerful use of ensemble.
Thirteen's Spring is a poetic take on The Diary of Anne Frank. This delicate coming of age piece explores the universal relationship between father and daughter, the power of young love, and the dangerous events surrounding many comes to life through movement and powerful use of ensemble.


musicals and operas · s. claus · Ages 21+ · United States of America
"Encore! Producers' Award Winner!" A sexy, silly, satirical early-70's-style musical that takes place in the land of "Aaahhs..." from the creator of 2015's sold-out run of "Sin: A Pop Opera"
"Encore! Producers' Award Winner!" A sexy, silly, satirical early-70's-style musical that takes place in the land of "Aaahhs..." from the creator of 2015's sold-out run of "Sin: A Pop Opera"