
HOT! :(

Two Person Show · molly kirschenbaum · Ages 16+ · United States of America
molly is trans (brave). But....they're addicted to their Victoria's Secret 2013 Collection push-up bra. What GIVES, mom? In "Hot! :(", a dark-comedy pop concert, molly dares to ask... okay....why won't Being This Hot make me happy?
molly is trans (brave). But....they're addicted to their Victoria's Secret 2013 Collection push-up bra. What GIVES, mom? In "Hot! :(", a dark-comedy pop concert, molly dares to ask... okay....why won't Being This Hot make me happy?


Immersive & Games · cricklewood theatre company · Ages 13+ · United States of America
Winner of the 2020 No Proscenium Immersive Awards - Outstanding Achievement in Livestream Production and (Audience Award) Outstanding Achievement in Ensemble Performance. Transform back into your middle-school years with this immersive 90's sleepover party!
Winner of the 2020 No Proscenium Immersive Awards - Outstanding Achievement in Livestream Production and (Audience Award) Outstanding Achievement in Ensemble Performance. Transform back into your middle-school years with this immersive 90's sleepover party!


Musicals & Operas · peas in a pod productions · Ages 16+ · United States of America
In the 50s during the Cold War, mathematician TOM LEHRER became a comedy sensation. He sang twisted tunes & satirized war, pornography, race, death, religion, kink & politics. With a side order of Elements. Comedian ALLAN MURRAY tickles the ivories and brings Tom & his acid-tinged ditties to life.
In the 50s during the Cold War, mathematician TOM LEHRER became a comedy sensation. He sang twisted tunes & satirized war, pornography, race, death, religion, kink & politics. With a side order of Elements. Comedian ALLAN MURRAY tickles the ivories and brings Tom & his acid-tinged ditties to life.

tagged with thoughtful