

dance & physical theatre · the catalyst · Ages 16+ · United States of America
Trafficked 2.0 is a play that explores human trafficking. With three languages spoken throughout the show and elements of dance/physical theater, Trafficked 2.0 showcases how this societal issue can occur right in your backyard or to someone miles away from you.
Trafficked 2.0 is a play that explores human trafficking. With three languages spoken throughout the show and elements of dance/physical theater, Trafficked 2.0 showcases how this societal issue can occur right in your backyard or to someone miles away from you.


solo performance · steve brock · Ages 16+ · United States of America
My Calico Soul is a journey of taking all the labels that get thrust upon us or even give to ourselves and fully embracing them including bisexuality.
My Calico Soul is a journey of taking all the labels that get thrust upon us or even give to ourselves and fully embracing them including bisexuality.


immersive theatre · the visceral city project · Ages 18+ · United States of America
A daughter grapples with her mother's decline in the final week of her life. This is an immersive piece where select audience members will interact as Nurses throughout the piece. We invite you to come say goodbye to the mother in the final hours of her life.
A daughter grapples with her mother's decline in the final week of her life. This is an immersive piece where select audience members will interact as Nurses throughout the piece. We invite you to come say goodbye to the mother in the final hours of her life.