

Solo Show · COFFEY · Ages 15+ · United States of America
Two Boston brothers claw and scrape for control in an attempt to fill their deepest void.
Two Boston brothers claw and scrape for control in an attempt to fill their deepest void.


Drama · Static Productions · Ages 18+ · United States of America
“The Motherfucker with the Hat” by Stephen Adly Guirgis is a dynamic play that delves into addiction, infidelity, and the turbulent lives of its characters with unflinching honesty. Stephanie Fuery Theatre :5636 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038 Show Dates : June 8th, 13th, 16th, 21st, 26th
“The Motherfucker with the Hat” by Stephen Adly Guirgis is a dynamic play that delves into addiction, infidelity, and the turbulent lives of its characters with unflinching honesty. Stephanie Fuery Theatre :5636 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038 Show Dates : June 8th, 13th, 16th, 21st, 26th


Drama · Marbles Theatre Group · Ages 16+ · Canada
The Easter Bunny explores the origins and motivations of a particular criminal class. Audiences will have doors opened into a variety of psychological realms, and a room that they may, upon reflection, have wished they never walked through.
The Easter Bunny explores the origins and motivations of a particular criminal class. Audiences will have doors opened into a variety of psychological realms, and a room that they may, upon reflection, have wished they never walked through.


Comedy · Emily Markoe · Ages 16+ · United States of America
Emily Markoe wrote a comedy show about cleaning her childhood bedroom. Her show is NOT about vomit. How could it be? She has emetophobia, the extreme fear of vomit. Watch Emily perform her show without any anxiety-inducing interruptions or visits from her former therapist, Dr. My Little Pony®.
Emily Markoe wrote a comedy show about cleaning her childhood bedroom. Her show is NOT about vomit. How could it be? She has emetophobia, the extreme fear of vomit. Watch Emily perform her show without any anxiety-inducing interruptions or visits from her former therapist, Dr. My Little Pony®.


Dance & Physical Theatre · Kick Boom Theater · Ages 18+ · United States of America
An exploration of theatricality, physicality, musicality, and gravel. A developing new work utilizing gesture, movement, and live percussion. 5 characters intertwine in uncomfortable and mysterious ways through a series of moments using heightened language and musical interplay.
An exploration of theatricality, physicality, musicality, and gravel. A developing new work utilizing gesture, movement, and live percussion. 5 characters intertwine in uncomfortable and mysterious ways through a series of moments using heightened language and musical interplay.

tagged with visceral