Cat Sh!t Crazy Part 2: A Fresh Step

Solo Show · cindy d'andrea/four katz productions · Ages 16+ · 50 mins · United States of America

Cat Sh!t Crazy is back after a dream come true run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival where the show garnered 5 and 4 star reviews and mega audience love. 

Now we find Cindy, cat-less and alone for the first time in 20 years.

When asked “How are the kitties?”

Her answer is: “They’re DEAD. But thanks for asking.”

Let’s all take a ‘paws’ while Cindy writes a new show.

Cat Sh!t Crazy Part 2: A Fresh Step ponders the most foreboding question:

What now?  A relationship with…. a man?  More cats to love and care for?

Travel around the world to save ALL the cats?  Grief counseling?

Counting how many more years left on this earth? A sobering thought, but true.

Through the eyes and assistance of her spirit cats, Cindy cracks open some of the most significant stories of her life, the regrets, joys, and woulda-shoulda-coulda’s. She faces her mortality is determined to create a new plan for a new future, one where she takes risks and gains the confidence to do some things she’s always dreamed of doing. The clock is ticking (visualize an old lady with 37 cats). It’s now or never.

This is a Workshop Production and Debut


Production Team

cat miggs 

graphic designer

jane hobson 

photographer - poster

* Fringe Veteran