My Little Phobia

Comedy · emily markoe · Ages 16+ · 50 mins · United States of America

Content Warning one person show world premiere

Emily Markoe wrote a comedy show about cleaning her childhood bedroom. Her show is not about vomit — how could it be? She has emetophobia, the extreme and debilitating fear of vomit. So she would never write a show about vomit…

Watch Emily perform her show without any interruptions from anxiety-producing characters, stories of recovered memories, or obsessive-compulsive rituals getting in the way. And there definitely won’t be a visit from her childhood therapist, Dr. My Little Pony®. Emily stopped seeing her years ago! Everything’s normal here.

Please note: vomiting at this show is strictly forbidden.

Follow My Little Phobia on instagram @my_little_phobia


Content warning: mental health issues including self-harm and eating disorders.

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Production Team

emily markoe  

writer / performer

kyle moss 

sound design

* Fringe Veteran