Krystal Anaís Amaya Navarro (she, her, they. )

After the awakening that came from experiencing the recent death of her Father, and the miracle of her Mother surviving an explosion – Krystal has begun her Societal integration – through her expression with art.

After graduating SUNY PURCHASE BFA in 2020 – she lost her opportunities(Being on the short list for a character in the series Ghosts, having a renown Hollywood Agent, and starring in a staged reading with A – list Actors.) – and was guided into a divine path of healing.  

Now, she is very excited to take part in sending CASA FUEGO out into the world. 

A play, that wrote itself one morning – after a night of deep meditation.

A play, that intends to heal, and expand our heart’s & consciousness – for good. Raising  awareness for our Community & Origin Countries. 

A play, from the heart, soul, and mind – of a 1.5 gen. Latinx Queer Female Girl.


“I hope to see you in CASA FUEGO.” 

- Krystal Anaís Amaya Navarro.

#I’d rather be a nun.



(11 underscores.)