Christopher Babson

Chris attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NYC for 3 years.

As his acting career started gaining serious traction, he quit to follow his dream of getting a university education. He went to SMCC, then UCLA for his BA and Purdue’s Top-20 business school for his MBA.

He became a Fortune-10 Vice President for 15 years, sourcing, negotiating & managing well over $1-billion in corporate alliances with Fortune-1,000 CFO’s.

Chris left the corporate world because he felt it was killing his soul and he founded, grew and sold his first small company, Billing Management Group.

Chris is now a Leadership & Peak Performance Instructor at UCLA and in the Corporate Market. Chris is also a Motivational Speaker.

The play “The Trouble Is, You Think You Have Time” is Chris’ most important professional and person work to-date. In it, his character relives the pivotal life events that flash before his eyes at his instant of death (events that are, in fact, autobiographical)… while, at the same time, he also reaches out with passionate love and life-wisdom to his sons, so that they might live the biggest, most purpose-filled lives possible.

You can learn more about Chris, connect with him, or explore his Personal Development and Leadership training (some of it free) at: