
film · finite films · United States

Genre: Film Noir

Synopsis: When a fashion model is found murdered on his set, photographer Brendan Holloway begins to suspect that his new muse isn’t to be trusted.

This film was created by, a website where a group of filmmakers accept creative “constraints” from visitors to the site (e.g. “Once scene must take place in the rain”). Every month, users vote for their favorites; the top 7 constraints inspire our next production.

Imperfect was inspired by the following constraints:
• A supernatural being/non-human must masquerade as a human.
• One of the characters doesn’t speak English.
• A character must say the line “Please stop shooting me.”
• A character must say the line “I don’t know where, I don’t know when, I don’t know how, and I don’t know why. Well, I know where…”
• Plot must revolve around the murder of a character we never know.
• The main character never speaks a line of dialogue.
• Must be in the style of a 40′s noir.

Director: Michael Tucker
E-mail: [email protected]

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran