The London Rose

musicals and operas · cotton blend productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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Review by anonymous

June 28, 2019 certified reviewer

What I liked

I love that this was written by a WoC. I love that it explores trans themes in a period setting. Some of the songs were absolute gems. There is a lot going for this piece.

What I didn't like

I was completely on board with the piece until (and this is quite a spoiler so stop reading here) the only homosexual character in the show is revealed and then tries to rape the trans character. To villainize a gay character by making him an attempted rapist and then having him commit suicide is incredibly problematic. I get it: there are bad queer people, but why do we keep having to tell this stories where queer characters are rapist and that the only way out is suicide? Especially in a show that seems to aim to pro-queer, pro-diversity show.

The show has a lot going for it, it just bummed me out that it took the “gays are villains and must commit suicide” route.

My overall impression

A mash up of Beauty and the Beast meets Les Mis meets Sunday in the Park with George with queer themes woven in.

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