Snow Fridge

immersive theatre · dr3amlogikk · Ages 21+ · United States of America

world premiere
Add Your Review


June 21, 2018 original article

What I liked

The playfulness of the entire cast pulled me in and made me feel incredibly supported and welcome to explore the scenes as they unfolded. Riffing on some personal information I provided to them beforehand, the show became a weird examination on my own self-doubts. It also showed me how I can overcome those doubts if I am willing to challenge myself.

The willingness of the entire cast to play games and be silly and experimental creates a wonderful feeling of being supported and encouraged to find a playfulness within yourself.

What I didn't like

There could have been a little more pre show explanation of how exactly we are allowed to interact with the cast, I think some people would feel uncomfortable “letting go” with the small amount of “rules.” However, for me I quickly sensed that I had a great deal of freedom to move around and explore the space and the cast physically guided me through almost every moment.

My overall impression

Creating a dream-like immersive experience for one person at a time, this show spirits you into another world for a brief, enjoyable, playful experience exploring what makes you… well… you. Very fun!

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