Healing: After the Tragedy

solo performance · nesha wonderland productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America

family friendly one person show world premiere

Nesha Wonderland performs a empowering and comically unique solo show about her healing process after the unsolved homicide of her father. With award winning Director Jessica Lynn Johnson, Nesha illustrates the journey of overcoming trauma through multimedia art, elaborate costumes, and portraying several characters that are witty, captivating and educational!

Healing: After the Tragedy brings awareness for the need to help the 400,000 children bereaved each year in the US who have experienced the tragedy of parental death before the age of 16 that according to statistics are more likely to have alcohol abuse problems, a greater vulnerability to domestic violence, and higher risk of low grades and school failure.

Join Nesha for this solo journey from loss to love as she shares how
she faced all of the above and beat the odds!

Learn More at neshawonderland.com

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran