Poopie's Perimeno-Party

comedy · tbd · United States of America

world premiere

Just when Poopie realizes how to act younger to fit in with the millenials at work and to be more successful in the dating world she discovers that she’s in perimenopause. Discouraged by the lack of info and appreciation for this time in life, she comes up with a way to thank women for their uterine service- throwing perimenopause parties.

The average woman will have her period for 30 years, and the reward she gets at the end? A time when she should be happy that she can wear white pants without fear? She gets a drop in estrogen that makes her face look older and a social shunning just shy of wearing a scarlett M.

Poopie’s Perimeno-Party is a celebration of the aging woman, and is a fallopian fete not to be missed!

Learn More at TBD

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran