Alchemist Ballet

dance & physical theatre · chasity ramsey-choreographer and director · Ages 16+ · United States of America

family friendly

Loosely based off the writings of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, the ‘Alchemist Ballet’ is about the secret of happiness. Inspired by the excerpt of ‘The Oil and the Spoon’ from the original text, " The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels in the world, while keeping the drops of oil on the spoon."  
A cast of all women dancers and one musician who, through the course of twenty minutes, discover hope and self-love by realizing that the secret to happiness is to see all the marvels in the world while keeping the flowers on the spoon. It is about unity, commitment, and unconditional love towards each other and yourself, so we can fuel the Soul of the World. We use site-sensitive movement, voice, live music, and each other to create a playground for storytelling.
Our live musician interacts with the dancers, while playing a violin and a  series of lullaby’s are sung throughout the journey. The flowers represent you and everything that you are. As the dance gets more chaotic and the performers get more self absorbed, the dancers hurl themselves into a sisterhood journey slipping into a loose dream. The Alchemist Ballet is about unity, commitment, and unconditional love towards each other and yourself so we can fuel the Soul of the World. We learn that we may take many detours along the way, but we are still headed in the same direction. Life is eternal and we stop for only a moment to meet each other, to love, and to share. The Alchemist Ballet is fluid, open-ended, allows for space to spark a flame that is inside your heart.

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran