The Magic School Bus: A Traumedy

solo performance · bonnie joy sludikoff · Ages 14+ · United States of America

one person show world premiere
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BROOKE BAUMER certified reviewer June 10, 2017
I've had the privilege of now seeing 2 of Bonnie's last 3 shows that all deal with the topic of sexual violence. I enjoyed this one -- Magic School Bus -- the best. Her writing is witty and she does a superb job of involving the audience in clever and fun ways. But, the moment that is forever seared on my heart is her ending song. Still wiping away the tears. Well done, Bonnie. Your energy and creativity are truly magical to watch.... full review
JESSICA JILL TURNER certified reviewer June 11, 2017
Bonnie Joy Sludikoff is a powerhouse, an incredibly talented actress, singer and writer. In The Magic Schoolbus she takes the audience on a ride unlike anything before. Through a very personal and serious story she manages to infuse humor and inventive stagecraft resulting in a great thrill ride of an hour long show. I loved it. I love her! Sorry if that's creepy!... full review
CHRISTINA EVANS certified reviewer June 11, 2017
tagged as: trauma · comedy · fun · emotional journey · musical
What a ride! This show takes you on a fun adventure whilst also exploring deep personal trauma. A combination that doesn't sound like it could possibly work, but is weaved together with depth, authenticity and a great sense of humor. With clever interaction, an array if comedic characters and incredibly moving moments that reveal Bonnies soul - this show brings light to a dark topic in spectacular fashion. ... full review
RITA OUTTRIM certified reviewer June 15, 2017
tagged as: fun · Beautiful · vulnerable · witty · funny · creative · honest
Bonnie is a true artist through and through. She is intelligent, sincere, and of course incredibly funny. Her writing is so creative and balances hard subject matter with comedy so beautifully. Her willingness to share and be so vulnerable is admirable. Thank you, Bonnie, for sharing your gifts and your story. Go see this gem of a show, you won't be sorry!!... full review
RAY RICHMOND certified reviewer June 16, 2017
"The Magic School Bus" is a powerful piece of theatre that showcases Bonnie Joy Sludikoff's enormous gifts of comedy, singing and drama. She's a tremendous talent. I can't wait to see what she does next.... full review
CHERISE PASCUAL certified reviewer June 14, 2017
This show strikes the perfect balance of incorporating humor/absurdity to navigate through deep emotional territory and serious subject matter. Bonnie takes us in her school bus of fun and stops at each trauma center in her body. We get just a taste, just the residue of the experiences, but we have enough, and by the end of the ride, we are absolutely blown away. Bonnie's final song is haunting and beautiful, she gave me chills, made me laugh and cry. I fell in love with her after seeing this show. How could anyone not? ... full review
NATASHA LEWIN certified reviewer June 14, 2017
tagged as: WTF · lights · sexual abuse
Good for you!! You should be proud of yourself! ... full review
TERRA TAYLOR KNUDSON certified reviewer June 15, 2017
A fun, energetic, creative, delightful and honest way to explore the physical toll trauma has on the body told by a charming and effervescent school teacher and her less-exuberant, but no less entertaining, students! (Plus some pretty awesome singing!)... full review
SPENCER FRANKEBERGER certified reviewer June 16, 2017
Bonnie's show is full of nostalgia, humor, and most importantly, heart, and her charisma and energy spreads throughout the studio that I couldn't help but smile the whole way through. She's a fantastic storyteller, and I really engaged on the moments where she just talked and told the story the most.... full review
KARA CHRISTENSEN certified reviewer June 18, 2017
A fun romp, with glow sticks, singing, fun tech, and humor. Time to go on a nostalgic ride with Miss Frizzle quite literally inside of Bonnie.... full review