Diversity Auditions

ensemble theatre · lgbtqq artists and allies · Ages 14+ · United States of America

world premiere
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June 23, 2015 original article

My overall impression

The Hollywood Fringe website describes Diversity Auditions as a narrative about a diversity competition in which “winners obtain an agent, a spot on a reality show, pay and the chance to continue their dreams…. The Diversity Auditions get messy when someone asks the question, ‘What is diversity?’” It’s a fascinating concept. It’s also a complete misrepresentation of the show.

Instead, Diversity Auditions is actually a collection of unfocused autobiographical monologues by 8 queer comics whose unpolished delivery gives the impression one is attending an early rehearsal, not a final product. On the whole the material is undeveloped – intermittently compelling, unsatisfyingly stuck between stand up and storytelling. The sets are not funny enough to be the former, too meandering and incoherent to be the latter.

Please read the rest of the review at Cinesnatch

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