ensemble theatre · one trick dog* · Ages 18+ · United States of America

world premiere
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DAVID WACHTEL certified reviewer June 13, 2015
Compelling show touching on sensitive subject matter that is both current and important. The concepts of medical care in this country layered with the ever increasing wage gap lays the groundwork for poignant dialogue and the struggles of individuals at all levels of the American class. Check it out. ... full review
CAROLYN SYKES certified reviewer June 17, 2015
engaging committed performances by the actors. well written and intense. Go See. ... full review
JOHN THUM certified reviewer June 20, 2015
The direction and acting in this show were fantastic. There is not much time left, but you should go see it.... full review
THOMAS BOURGEOIS certified reviewer June 23, 2015
This play combines smart writing, deftly nuanced acting and disciplined direction. Its spare staging is augmented by excellent tech effects and uncannily complementary music -- both original underscore and a touch of the familiar American songbook. The story is both compelling in its own right and effective as a reflection in microcosm of two timely -- and not coincidentally related -- sets of issues: namely, the maldistribution of wealth and the tenuous delivery of health care in our society.... full review
CHRISTOPHER MCKENZIE certified reviewer June 20, 2015
Decent script and great acting. The actor who played there handicapped man does a scene change without breaking character. That scene was the most powerful one. Not knowing at the time whether the actor eat genuinely handicapped, you saw the struggle and difficulty that such people have to live with. It's small insights which connect you to the present, the interface of reality, which let you explore the your own implicit facets of identity - identities we don't realize we have. Thank you... full review