Four Clowns presents Me Rich You Learn

dance & physical theatre · four clowns · Ages 18+ · United States

world premiere
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June 11, 2013 certified reviewer

My overall impression

FOUR CLOWNS DO IT AGAIN!!! THERE IS JUST SO MUCH TO LOVE IN THIS SHOW. Not only does Me Rich You Learn have the brilliant physical comedy that we’ve come to expect from Four Clowns but there is even dialogue this time around – and I assure you this only enhances the theatrical experience!! This story, about a tax evader forced into a community service repentance for his sins to the IRS, is less about the mindnumbing fine points of tax law then it is about the utter foolishness that unfolds between the brilliantly portrayed repressed tax officer and the explosive-ID-based M Hammer – who is jumping out of his skin to use this same session to get his mojo back after his life has fallen apart. My favorite thing about the inclusion of the dialogue is that the script possesses the same childlike spirit that is in all the Four Clown productions which is in a way like a blissful returning to pre-adolescence every time I see one of their shows. Tax law dissolves into playroom antics where childlike profanities such as “a turd size shit” and “what did you have for pizza, hot dogs?” all ring with the same wacky charm of a 8 year old stuck in a man’s body, unable to be a law-abiding adult in an adult world with serious consequences. We, the audience pity Hammer and bust our guts as the clownish Odd Couple strives to liberate themselves from the absurdity of their situation and escape the confines of their own limitations. Its truly HILARIOUS!!! Toward the end I wondered if the writers had any idea how to end their characters’ story since they had broken Hammer and his tax agent down to the lowest possible point of mental and physical disintegration, but one thing is for sure, the audience left feeling like .8 MILLION BUCKS. Treat yourself to this show guys. Don’t think about it, don’t hesitate or it will sell out quick and you will be left wondering what that buzz was all about. Fringe Rule #1: FOUR CLOWNS NEVER DISAPPOINT.

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