Take Me To The Poorhouse

comedy · take me to the poorhouse · Ages 13+ · Nigeria

one person show world premiere
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June 22, 2013 certified reviewer

My overall impression

Liz Femi is a deliciously charming comic performer with exquisite control of her lithe, athletic frame and warm expressive face—a pleasure to behold. Solo performers would be wise to attend a performance of this show to see how Femi frames and focuses characters, seamlessly moving from one to another. And that face…oh, my. Such warm, sassy, funny, loving, and sardonic looks, telling it all in a glance.
Alas, the acoustics in the back room of The Lounge where Femi performs this Fringe run are abominable. Most of the laughs in the packed room—and they were plentiful—came from the front two rows, because behind that, Femi’s stage-Nigerian accent when given full voice bounced mercilessly between the brick walls and the wooden beamed ceiling making a good portion of what she said indecipherable for the back half of the audience. So I had to be satisfied with her as a physical performer, and a masque shape-shifter, since the story was partly lost in the echo chamber that is that particular theater. Suggestion: cloak the walls with velour curtains, and place a few sound-bounce boards in the ceiling. I know, THAT would take an indiegogo campaign of its own.
But huzzahs and deep congrats to Liz Femi for being such a profoundly pleasing performer and storyteller. I predict the acoustics will be better for your run in the Big Apple.

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