Gameshow! Gameshow! Gameshow!

Immersive & Games · wirelesstaco productions · Ages 10+ · 1hr · United States of America

family friendly

An hour-long interactive performance and competition, Game Show! Game Show! Game Show! pits half the audience against the other. Participants win points for their teams with feats ranging from answering trivia questions to dance battles or maybe by just being the tallest. Other games involve real-time tech integrations, like racing Mario Kart but by committee, so charge your cell phones! Games build and overlap until the show verges on chaos. Witness an unforgettable show hailed by one audience member as “One of the best shows I’ve ever seen!”

Over the last decade, Joe Pisanzio, our esteemed host, has honed his clowning skills under the guidance of global Masters such as Phillipe Gaulier, Aitor Basauri, and Paola Coletto. His talents have been showcased across a diverse array of stages, from France, Italy, and London to Maine, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

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Production Team

* Fringe Veteran